Bedford Personal Injury Attorney
Have you been injured in an accident? Or worse, have you lost a loved one because of someone's negligence? If you answered yes to either of these questions, a team of experts, including the insurance company, adjusters, attorneys and investigators, is working against you right now. These experts are trying to blame you, minimize your injuries, prove your injuries existed before the accident, and belittle your pain. You need someone to fight back for you. You need an experienced attorney. You need an attorney who is not afraid of these insurance company experts and can take them on in the courtroom for you.
My sixteen years of experience as prosecuting attorney gave me invaluable experience in two areas that are critical to personal injury cases: negotiation and trial work. As prosecuting attorney I negotiated the resolution of thousands of cases. And when negotiations broke down, I was able to successfully represent the citizens of Lawrence County with my trial skills. These skills, negotiations and trial work, are exactly the skills needed to successfully pursue your personal injury case. Since leaving prosecution, I have successfully handled numerous personal injury cases. I have the experience to negotiate, and if necessary, try your personal injury case against the insurance companies and their team of experts.